An overview of home automation technologies
We just spoke about some technologies used in home automation. In this section, we will go through the details of some popular technologies used in home automation, software ecosystems, and open source projects.
Delving into home automation protocols
Numerous technologies exist for home automation, but covering all of them is not possible in this book, so we will only talk about some of the popular ones. These are the ones you will see in many retail stores or on the Internet.
There are devices for home automation that use BLE and Wi-Fi technology as well. Since they are well known and widely used technologies, we will not mention them here.
X10 is a machine-to-machine communication system which was developed in 1975 by Pico Electronics Ltd. in Glenrothes, Scotland, and was the first communication protocol used for home appliances. Since wireless technologies were not as advanced as they are today, it was designed to use power line wiring in...