Why learn UI Toolkit?
I know the topic of this chapter might sound a little bit confusing; we just learned how to use a whole Unity system to create our UI, and now we are learning another one! Why didn’t we just learn this new one?
Well, the first part of the answer is that UI Toolkit doesn’t have feature parity with uGUI yet, meaning that it doesn’t have all the features necessary to use it in real production environments. Another thing to take into account is that even if UI Toolkit is stable enough, it’s still a relatively new system, and there are still lots of games in development that were created on older Unity versions that don’t support it. This means that in order to land a job in this industry, we need to get a decent amount of exposure to uGUI due to most games being created with this technology. This happens because it’s not safe or practical to update an already-tested and working game with new technologies; such changes...