- If you need to have two different computers communicating over ROS, where should you locate the ROS master node?
A) In the one that has the more recent version of ROS.
B) The ROS master node will run in the first one where you launch the roscore process.
C) You can place the master wherever you want. In one of the computers, you run roscore, and in the other one, you tell ROS that the master node is located in the other machine.
- You have a physical robot named mazinger_zeta that accepts geometry_msgs/Twist messages in the /walk topic. What is the correct topic remapping command for remotely controlling the robot with the keyboard?
A) rosrun key_teleop key_teleop.py /walk:=/cmd_vel
B) rosrun key_teleop key_teleop.py /key_vel:=/walk
C) rosrun key_teleop key_teleop.py /walk:=/key_vel
- If you apply a speed command of 1 m/s to the Y axis, how will it move GoPiGo3?