In the previous chapter, you were told how to clone this book's code repository so that it's in the home folder of your laptop. If you didn't do this, from a Terminal on your laptop, clone the repository into your home folder like so:
$ cd ~
$ git clone
Next, only copy the code for this chapter into the ROS workspace. This way, you will have a cleaner ROS environment:
$ cp -R ~/Hands-On-ROS-for-Robotics-Programming/Chapter4_RViz_basics ~/catkin_ws/src/
Move to the path of the new files and check that the files are present:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/Chapter4_RViz_basics
$ ls -la
This chapter contains a new ROS package named rviz_basics, so rebuild the workspace so that it is known to your ROS environment:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
Check that the package is installing correctly...