There are different ways to programmatically interact with Neo4j. In the previous chapters, we used the Neo4j Python driver, from which we have been able to execute Cypher queries and retrieve the results, especially for creating DataFrames in a data science context. In the context of a web application, manually writing a Cypher query each time we want our program to perform an action on the graph would be a very time-consuming and laborious task involving repeating code. Fortunately, Graph Object Mappers (GOMs) have been created to interface Python code to Neo4j without us having to write a single Cypher query. In this section, we are going to use the neomodel package and use it alongside Flask to build a web application that displays information from Neo4j.
Our context is similar to GitHub: we have users that can own and/or contribute to repositories.
Toying with neomodel
neomodel is a Graph Object Mapper for...