Time for action – editing, cancelling, and deleting transactions
We may not be able to get everything right just the first time. So, we need the ability to make changes or even clean up and start over. You can edit a transaction, cancel an edit, or even delete a transaction. Let us see how we can accomplish these:
Editing transactions: Remember the $300 cash withdrawal? You suddenly realized that you actually withdrew $350. We are going to edit the transaction to correct this amount. Open the Cash account register, click on the amount, then make your changes, and click Enter. Check that this change is automatically reflected in both Cash and Checking Account. By the way, you can make this edit from either one of these accounts.
Cancelling edits: In the same transaction, select the Num field and change it to 1595 and Tab out. Let us say, immediately after tabbing out, you realize that you have edited the wrong field, and horrors! You don't seem to have even a wisp of recollection what the number...