- ACID / Transaction in Tuxedo
- ACL_MIB / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- administrative servers, Tuxedo domain / The domain administrative server
- administrative tasks, TSAM / Various administrative tasks using TSAM
- administrative tools, Tuxedo domain
- about / Administrative tools for the domain
- dmloadcf() / Administrative tools for the domain
- dmunloadcf() / Administrative tools for the domain
- dmadmin() / Administrative tools for the domain
- agile and resource management / Tuning the application
- anatomy, Tuxedo / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- application domain / SCA client security configuration
- APPQ_MIB / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- architecture, Tuxedo / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- ATMI functions, Tuxedo
- tpinit() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpterm() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpchkauth() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpcall() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpacall() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgetreply() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpcancel() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpconnect() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpdiscon() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsend() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tprecv() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpnotify() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpbroadcast() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsetunsol() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpchkunsol() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tppost() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsubscribe() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpunsubscribe() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgprio() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsprio() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpalloc() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tprealloc() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpfree() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tptypes() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsvrinit() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsvrdone() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpreturn() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpforward() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpbegin() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpcommit() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpabort() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgetlev() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsuspend() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpresume() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tmscmt() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpopen() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpclose() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpenqueue() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpdequeue() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpadvertise() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpunadvertise() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpconvert() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpconvmb() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpexport() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpcryptpw() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgetadmkey() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tuxgetenv() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tuxputenv() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpadmcall() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpstrerror() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpstrerrordetail() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- userlog() / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- about / Tuxedo client ATMI functions
- ATMI functions, Tuxedo client / Tuxedo client ATMI functions
- ATMI functions, Tuxedo server / Tuxedo server ATMI functions
- ATMI type
- client / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- communication (request/response) / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- communication (conversational) / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- communication (event-based) / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- message precedence / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- memory management / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- server/service / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- transaction management (XA) / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- resources management / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- queuing / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- dynamic service advertisement / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- buffer-related / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- security and administration / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- system error-handling / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- bbclean machine command / The command-line interface
- bbparms / The command-line interface
- BDMCONFIG file / The domain configuration file
- BEA / The history of Tuxedo
- Bridge / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- buffer types, Tuxedo
- STRING / The STRING buffer
- CARRAY / The CARRAY buffer
- VIEW / The VIEW buffer
- FML / The FML buffer
- XML / The XML buffer
- buildclient command
- about / The buildclient command, List of Tuxedo commands, Developing a Tuxedo client, Compiling the native or workstation client
- attributes / The buildclient command
- buildclt command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- buildscaclient command
- about / The buildscaclient command
- attributes / The buildscaclient command
- buildscacomponent command
- about / The buildscacomponent command
- attributes / The buildscacomponent command
- buildscaserver command
- about / The buildscaserver command
- attributes / The buildscaserver command
- buildserver command
- about / The buildserver command, List of Tuxedo commands, How to compile a server
- attributes / The buildserver command, How to compile a server
- buildtms command
- about / The buildtms command, List of Tuxedo commands
- attributes / The buildtms command
- buildwsh command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- Bulletin Board (BB) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- C
- about / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- CARRAY buffer
- about / The CARRAY buffer
- client/server communication
- paradigms / Developing a Tuxedo client, Client/server communication paradigms
- client/server technology, Tuxedo
- benefits / Some of the benefits of client/server technology
- client program
- about / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- cobcc command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- about / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- command-line interface, Tuxedo application / The command-line interface
- commands, Tuxedo
- buildclient command / The buildclient command
- buildserver / The buildserver command, List of Tuxedo commands
- buildtms / The buildtms command, List of Tuxedo commands
- tmloadcf / The tmloadcf command, List of Tuxedo commands
- tmboot / The tmboot command, List of Tuxedo commands
- tmshutdown / The tmshutdown command, List of Tuxedo commands
- buildwsh / List of Tuxedo commands
- buildclient / List of Tuxedo commands
- buildclt / List of Tuxedo commands
- cobcc / List of Tuxedo commands
- dmadmin / List of Tuxedo commands
- dmunloadcf / List of Tuxedo commands
- gencat / List of Tuxedo commands
- mkfldhdr32 / List of Tuxedo commands
- mkfldhdr / List of Tuxedo commands
- mklanginfo / List of Tuxedo commands
- qmadmin / List of Tuxedo commands
- rex / List of Tuxedo commands
- tidl / List of Tuxedo commands
- tlisten / List of Tuxedo commands
- tmadmin / List of Tuxedo commands
- tmconfig / List of Tuxedo commands
- tmipcrm / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpacladd / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpaclcvt / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpacldel / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpaclmod / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpadduser / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpdelusr / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpgrpadd / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpgrpdel / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpmodusr / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpusradd / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpusrdel / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpusrmod / List of Tuxedo commands
- tuxadm / List of Tuxedo commands
- tuxwsvr / List of Tuxedo commands
- txrpt / List of Tuxedo commands
- wud / List of Tuxedo commands
- ud / List of Tuxedo commands
- /ud32/wud32 / List of Tuxedo commands
- uuidgen / List of Tuxedo commands
- viewc / List of Tuxedo commands
- viewc32 / List of Tuxedo commands
- viewsviewdis / List of Tuxedo commands
- viewdis32 / List of Tuxedo commands
- wlisten / List of Tuxedo commands
- components, MIB
- WS_MI / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- ACL_MIB / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- APPQ_MIB / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- EVENT_MIB / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- DM_MIB / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- components, TSAM
- TSAM Manager / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- TSAM Agent / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- components, TSAM Agent
- Local Monitor Server (LMS) / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- TSAM Framework / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- TSAM Plug In / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- components, TSAM Manager
- Oracle TSAM Data Server / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- Oracle TSAM Console / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- components, Tuxedo
- Bulletin Board (BB) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Bulletin Board Liaison (BBL) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Distinguished BBL / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Bridge / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- TMS / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- master machine/node / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Tuxedo server processes / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Tuxedo client processes / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Workstation Listener (WSL) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Workstation Handler (WSH) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Jolt Listener/Handler (JSL/JSH) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- TMQUEUE / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- TMQFORWARD / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- DMADM / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- GWADM / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- GWTDOMAIN / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- LMS / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- GWWS / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- WebLogic Tuxedo connector / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- composites / The SCA concept and Tuxedo service
- configuration, external web services / Configuration of external web services
- configuration, GWTDOMAIN
- for listening, on SDP / Configuring GWTDOMAIN to listen on SDP
- connecting, SDP used / Configuring GWTDOMAIN to connect using SDP
- for listening, on IPoIB / Configuring GWTDOMAIN to listen on IPoIB
- connecting, IPoIB used / Configuring GWTDOMAIN to connect using IPoIB
- configuration, native web services / Configuration of the native web services
- configuration, SALT application / Configuration of a SALT application
- configuration, SALT WS-TX support / Configuring the SALT WS-TX support
- configuration, SCA ATMI client / SCA ATMI client configuration
- configuration, SCA ATMI server / SCA ATMI server configuration
- configuration, SCA client security / SCA client security configuration
- configuration, SCA components / Configuring SCA components
- configuration, SCA JATMI client / SCA JATMI client configuration
- configuration, SCA web service client / SCA web service client configuration
- configuration, SCA web service server / SCA web service server configuration
- configuration, SCA workstation client / SCA workstation client configuration
- configuration, service contract discovery / Configuring the service contract discovery
- configuration, Tuxedo application / Configuring and structuring a Tuxedo application
- tips / Things to remember
- configuration, web services / Configuring the Tuxedo web services
- configuration file, Tuxedo domain / The domain configuration file
- console-based installation, SALT
- about / Console-based installation
- console installation, Tuxedo / Console installation
- conversational communication
- characteristics / Conversational
- CORBA / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- Data-dependent routing (DDR)
- about / Data-dependent routing (DDR)
- horizontally partitioned / Horizontally partitioned
- rule-based servers / Rule-based servers
- distributed applications / Distributed applications
- data compression
- about / Data compression
- data encryption
- about / Data encryption
- Distinguished BBL (DBBL) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- distributed client/server model, Tuxedo
- features / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP)
- about / The XA interface and two-phase commit
- about / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- dmadmin() command
- about / Administrative tools for the domain
- dmadmin command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands, Creating a domain transaction log
- DMCONFIG file / The domain configuration file
- dmloadcf() command
- about / Administrative tools for the domain
- dmloadcf command / The domain configuration file
- dmunloadcf() command
- about / Administrative tools for the domain
- dmunloadcf command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- DM_MIB / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- DoMain Administrative server (DMADM) / The Tuxedo domain
- Domain Gateways / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Domain Gateway server (GWTDOMAIN) / The Tuxedo domain
- Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
- about / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- environment variables, Tuxedo application
- about / Environment variables
- VIEWFILES / Environment variables
- VIEWDIR / Environment variables
- FIELDTBLS / Environment variables
- FLDTBLDIR / Environment variables
- FIELDTBLS32 / Environment variables
- FLDTBLDIR32 / Environment variables
- event-broker server
- about / Event-based communication
- EVENT_MIB / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- Exabus
- about / What is Exalogic?
- Exalogic
- about / What is Exalogic?
- Exalogic machine
- about / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- Tuxedo, installing on / Tuxedo installation on an Exalogic machine
- about / The EXALOGIC_MSGQ_CACHE_SIZE variable
- eXtended Architecture (XA)
- about / The XA interface and two-phase commit
- external web services
- configuring / Configuration of external web services
- invoking, through SALT / Invoking external web services (outbound) through SALT
- features, Tuxedo
- security / Security
- Data-dependent routing (DDR) / Data-dependent routing (DDR)
- data encryption / Data encryption
- data compression / Data compression
- load balancing / Load balancing
- FIELDTBLS32 variable / Environment variables
- FIELDTBLS variable / Environment variables
- First In, First Out (FIFO)
- about / Administering the Tuxedo queue (/Q)
- FLDTBLDIR32 variable / Environment variables
- FLDTBLDIR variable / Environment variables
- about / The FML buffer
- FML/FML32 buffer / Environment variables
- FML buffer
- about / The FML buffer
- GateWay Administrative server (GWADM) / The Tuxedo domain
- gateway servers, Tuxedo domain / The domain gateway server
- gencat command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- graphical user interface installation, Tuxedo / Graphical user interface (GUI) installation
- GROUPS section
- about / The GROUPS section
- parameters / The GROUPS section
- GUI-based installation, SALT
- about / GUI-based installation
- forWindows / Installing on Windows
- for Unix / Installing on Unix
- about / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- about / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy, GWTDOMAIN
- GWWS administration / GWWS administration
- GWWS command / The GWWS command
- GWWS instances
- benefits / Benefits of multiple GWWS instances
- GWWS server
- tuning / Tuning the GWWS server, Thread pool size
- monitoring / Monitoring the GWWS server, Browsing to the WSDL document from the GWWS server
- help [{command | all}] / The command-line interface
- history, Tuxedo / The history of Tuxedo
- InfiniBand fabric / What is Exalogic?
- installation, TSAM / Installing TSAM
- installation, Tuxedo
- on Exalogic machine / Tuxedo installation on an Exalogic machine
- installation components, Tuxedo
- about / Tuxedo installation components
- installation procedures, Tuxedo
- about / Installation procedures
- graphical user interface installation / Graphical user interface (GUI) installation
- console installation / Console installation
- silent installation / Silent installation
- Jolt Listener/Handler (JSL/JSH) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Jolt service listener (JSL)
- about / The jolt service listener (JSL)
- on SDP / The jolt service listener (JSL)
- on IPoIB / The jolt service listener (JSL)
- kill command
- about / Stop tux_msgq_monitor
- Last In, First Out (LIFO)
- about / Administering the Tuxedo queue (/Q)
- LDBAL parameter
- about / Load balancing
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable / Environment variables
- link-level security / SCA client security configuration
- about / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- load balancing
- about / Load balancing
- LOAD parameter
- about / Load balancing
- logfiles / The logfiles
- MACHINES section
- about / The MACHINES section
- parameters / The MACHINES section
- master machine/node / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- master [ -yes ] command / The command-line interface
- max_content_length parameter
- about / Maximum content length control
- components / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- about / The Tuxedo MIB application programming interface
- middleware characteristics, Tuxedo / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Migrate feature / Tuning the application
- mkfld32fromschema function / The GWWS command
- mkfldfromschema function / The GWWS command
- mkfldhdr32 command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- mkfldhdr command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- mklanginfo command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- mkview32fromschema function / The GWWS command
- mkviewfromschema function / The GWWS command
- modularity / Tuning the application
- monitoring console functionalities, TSAM / Using TSAM for monitoring – quick path
- MP mode / The MP mode
- multiple-program broadcasting
- about / Event-based communication
- MyService() function / Sample server code structure
- native client / Developing a Tuxedo client
- compiling / Compiling the native or workstation client
- native web services
- configuring / Configuration of the native web services
- NETGROUPS section
- about / The NETGROUPS section
- parameters / The NETGROUPS section
- NETWORK section
- about / The NETWORK section
- parameters / The NETWORK section
- Novell
- about / The history of Tuxedo
- Oracle TSAM Application Server Deployment / Using TSAM for monitoring – quick path
- Oracle TSAM Console
- about / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- Oracle TSAM Data Server
- about / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- Oracle TSAM Manager Database Server Deployment / Using TSAM for monitoring – quick path
- Oracle TSAM Manager LDAP Deployment / Using TSAM for monitoring – quick path
- Oracle Tuxedo
- running / Running Oracle Tuxedo
- paradigms, for client/server communication
- request/response / Developing a Tuxedo client
- conversational / Developing a Tuxedo client, Conversational
- queuing / Developing a Tuxedo client
- publish and subscribe (Pub-sub) / Developing a Tuxedo client
- request/reply / Request/reply
- Queues (Tuxedo /Q) / Queues (Tuxedo /Q)
- event-based communication / Event-based communication
- PATH variable / Environment variables
- performance-related monitoring tasks, TSAM / Various administrative tasks using TSAM
- printqueue [qaddress] command / The command-line interface
- /Q
- about / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- qmadmin command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- QMCONFIG variable / Environment variables
- RDMAQSIZE option / The UBBCONFIG file
- remote direct memory access (RDMA) / The UBBCONFIG file
- RESOURCES section
- about / The RESOURCES section
- parameters / The RESOURCES section
- rex command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- ROUTING section
- about / The ROUTING section
- parameters / The ROUTING section
- about / Getting acquainted with SALT, SALT installation
- GUI-based installation / GUI-based installation
- console-based installation / Console-based installation
- silent-mode installation / Silent installation
- administering / Administration of SALT
- Tuxedo services, invoking through / Invoking Tuxedo services (inbound) through SALT
- external web services, invoking through / Invoking external web services (outbound) through SALT
- SALT application
- configuring / Configuration of a SALT application
- SALT configuration
- compiling / Compiling the SALT configuration
- about / Configuration of external web services
- creating / Configuration of external web services
- SALT gateway (GWWS)
- about / The SALT gateway (GWWS) and service metadata repository server
- SALT programming
- about / SALT programming
- SALT WS-TX support
- configuring / Configuring the SALT WS-TX support
- about / The SCA concept and Tuxedo service
- scaadmin function / The GWWS command
- SCA ATMI client
- configuring / SCA ATMI client configuration
- tracing / Tracing the SCA ATMI server and client
- SCA ATMI server
- configuring / SCA ATMI server configuration
- tracing / Tracing the SCA ATMI server and client
- SCA client programming / SCA client programming
- SCA client security
- configuring / SCA client security configuration
- SCA components
- configuring / Configuring SCA components
- administering / Administrating the SCA components
- SCA component server programming / SCA component server programming
- SCAHOST function / The GWWS command
- SCA JATMI client
- configuring / SCA JATMI client configuration
- scapasswordtool function / The GWWS command, SCA client security configuration
- SCA programming / SALT programming, SCA programming
- SCA servers
- monitoring / Monitoring the SCA servers
- scastructc32 function / The GWWS command
- scastructc function / The GWWS command
- scastructdis32 function / The GWWS command
- scastructdis function / The GWWS command
- SCA transactions / SCA transactions
- scatuxgen function / The GWWS command
- SCA web service client
- configuring / SCA web service client configuration
- SCA web service server
- configuring / SCA web service server configuration
- SCA workstation client
- configuring / SCA workstation client configuration
- sections, UBBCONFIG file
- about / Configuring and structuring a Tuxedo application
- RESOURCES section / The RESOURCES section
- MACHINES section / The MACHINES section
- GROUPS section / The GROUPS section
- NETWORK section / The NETWORK section
- SERVER section / The SERVER section
- SERVICE section / The SERVICE section
- ROUTING section / The ROUTING section
- NETGROUPS section / The NETGROUPS section
- security
- about / Security
- no authentication (NONE) / Security
- application password (APP-PW) / Security
- end user authentication (USER_AUTH) / Security
- optional access control (ACL) / Security
- mandatory access control (MANDATORY_ACL) / Security
- SERVER section
- about / The SERVER section
- parameters / The SERVER section
- service
- about / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- advertising, ways / Advertising a service
- Service-oriented Architecture (SOA)
- about / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- Service Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo (SALT)
- about / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Service Component Architecture (SCA)
- about / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- service contract discovery
- configuring / Configuring the service contract discovery
- service metadata repository
- about / The SALT gateway (GWWS) and service metadata repository server, The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- tmloadrepos utility / The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- tmunloadrepos utility / The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- tpgetrepos utility / The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- tpsetrepos utility / The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- SERVICE section
- about / The SERVICE section
- parameters / The SERVICE section
- setSCAPasswordCallback() function / The GWWS command
- silent-mode installation, SALT
- about / Silent installation
- silent installation, Tuxedo / Silent installation
- single-program notifications
- about / Event-based communication
- Socket Direct Protocol (SDP)
- about / Tuxedo Socket Direct Protocol support
- MP mode / The MP mode
- workstation listener (WSL) / The workstation listener (WSL)
- workstation (/WS) client / The workstation (/WS) client
- Jolt service listener (JSL) / The jolt service listener (JSL)
- WebLogic Tuxedo connector (WTC) / The WebLogic Tuxedo connector (WTC)
- database / Databases
- STRING buffer
- about / The STRING buffer
- tidl command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tlisten command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tmadmin() command
- about / The command-line interface
- attribues / The command-line interface
- tmadmin command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tmboot command / Things to remember
- about / The tmboot command, List of Tuxedo commands
- attributes / The tmboot command
- tmconfig() command / The command-line interface
- tmconfig command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tmipcrm command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tmloadcf command
- about / The tmloadcf command, List of Tuxedo commands
- attributes / The tmloadcf command
- tmloadrepos command
- about / The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- TMMETADATA / The SALT gateway (GWWS) and service metadata repository server
- TMMETAREPOS / The SALT gateway (GWWS) and service metadata repository server
- TMQFORWARD / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- about / Administering the Tuxedo queue (/Q), Queues (Tuxedo /Q)
- TMQUEUE / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- TMQUEUE server
- about / Administering the Tuxedo queue (/Q)
- TMS / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- tmscd function / The GWWS command
- tmscmt() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tmshutdown command
- about / The tmshutdown command, List of Tuxedo commands
- tmtrace() function / The logfiles, Tracing the SCA ATMI server and client
- tmunloadcf command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tmunloadrepos command
- about / The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- tmwsdlgen function / The GWWS command
- tmwsdlgen utility
- about / WSDL utilities for SALT
- tpabort() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpacall() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpacladd command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpaclcvt command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpacldel command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpaclmod command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpadduser command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpadmcall() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpadvertise() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpalloc() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, The STRING buffer
- tpbegin() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpbroadcast() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpcall() function / Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpcall() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpcancel() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpchkauth() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpchkunsol() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpclose() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpcommit() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpconnect() function / Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpconnect() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpconvert() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpconvmb() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpcryptpw() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpdelusr command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpdequeue() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpdiscon() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpenqueue() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpexport() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpforward() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpfree() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgetadmkey() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgetlev() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgetreply() function / Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpgetreply() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgetrepos command
- about / The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- tpgprio() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpgrpadd command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpgrpdel command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpinit() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- about / Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpmodusr command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpnotify() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpopen() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tppost() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tprealloc() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tprecv() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpresume() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpreturn() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsend() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpsetrepos command
- about / The Tuxedo service metadata repository
- tpsetunsol() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo client
- tpsprio() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpstrerror() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpstrerrordetail() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsubscribe() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsuspend() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpsvrdone() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Sample server code structure
- tpsvrinit() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface, Developing a Tuxedo server
- tpterm() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tptypes() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpunadvertise() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpunsubscribe() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tpusradd command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpusrdel command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tpusrmod command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- transaction
- initiating / Creating or initiating a transaction
- transactional functions, Tuxedo / Tuxedo's transactional functions
- transaction log, Tuxedo domain
- creating / Creating a domain transaction log
- Transaction Monitoring (TP Monitor) / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- transactions
- about / Transaction in Tuxedo
- two-phase commit / The XA interface and two-phase commit
- XA interface / The XA interface and two-phase commit
- about / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- components / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- installing / Installing TSAM
- administrative tasks / Various administrative tasks using TSAM
- performance-related monitoring tasks / Various administrative tasks using TSAM
- used, for monitoring / Using TSAM for monitoring – quick path
- monitoring console functionalities / Using TSAM for monitoring – quick path
- TSAM Agent
- about / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- components / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- TSAM Manager
- about / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- components / Tuxedo System and Application Monitoring (TSAM)
- deploying / Using TSAM for monitoring – quick path
- tuxadm command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- TUXCONFIG variable / Environment variables
- TUXDIR directory / SALT installation
- TUXDIR variable / Environment variables
- Tuxedo
- about / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- distributed client/server model, features / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- client/server technology, benefits / Some of the benefits of client/server technology
- history / The history of Tuxedo
- architecture / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- anatomy / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- middleware characteristics / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- components / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- software requisites / Hardware and software requirements
- hardware requisites / Hardware and software requirements
- installation components / Tuxedo installation components
- installation procedures / Installation procedures
- commands / Tuxedo commands
- features / The important features of Tuxedo, Security, Load balancing
- buffer types / Tuxedo buffer types
- transactions / Transaction in Tuxedo
- transactional functions / Tuxedo's transactional functions
- installing, on Exalogic machine / Tuxedo installation on an Exalogic machine
- Tuxedo administration
- about / Tuxedo administration
- tasks / Responsibility of a Tuxedo administrator
- Tuxedo application
- environment variables / Environment variables
- configuring / Configuring and structuring a Tuxedo application
- monitoring / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- modifying / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- command-line interface / The command-line interface
- tuning / Tuning the application
- Tuxedo client
- developing / Developing a Tuxedo client
- native client / Developing a Tuxedo client
- WorkStation (WS) client / Developing a Tuxedo client
- sample client code structure / Sample client code structure
- ATMI functions / Tuxedo client ATMI functions
- Tuxedo client processes / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Tuxedo domain
- about / The Tuxedo domain
- configuration file / The domain configuration file
- gateway servers / The domain gateway server
- administrative servers / The domain administrative server
- administrative tools / Administrative tools for the domain
- transaction log, creating / Creating a domain transaction log
- configuring / A brief example of how to configure and run a Tuxedo domain
- running / A brief example of how to configure and run a Tuxedo domain
- Tuxedo MIB Application Programming Interface / The Tuxedo MIB application programming interface
- Tuxedo queue
- administering / Administering the Tuxedo queue (/Q)
- resources, configuring / Configuration of resources for /Q
- queue space, creating / Creation of queue space and queues
- queue devices, creating / Creation of queue space and queues
- queues, creating / Creation of queue space and queues
- monitoring / Monitoring /Q
- Tuxedo server
- developing / Developing a Tuxedo server
- sample server code structure / Sample server code structure
- service, advertising / Advertising a service
- ATMI functions / Tuxedo server ATMI functions
- compiling / How to compile a server
- Tuxedo server processes / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Tuxedo service
- about / The SCA concept and Tuxedo service
- Tuxedo services
- invoking, through SALT / Invoking Tuxedo services (inbound) through SALT
- Tuxedo Transaction Log (TLOG) / Tuxedo Transaction Log (TLOG)
- tuxgetenv() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tuxputenv() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- tuxscagen function / The GWWS command
- tuxwsvr command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- tux_msgq_monitor function / Running Oracle Tuxedo
- starting / Start tux_msgq_monitor
- stopping / Stop tux_msgq_monitor
- txrpt command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- /ud32/wud32 command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- UBBCONFIG file / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- about / Configuring and setting up a Tuxedo application, Configuring and structuring a Tuxedo application, The UBBCONFIG file, The UBBCONFIG file
- sections / Configuring and structuring a Tuxedo application
- parameters / The UBBCONFIG file
- ud command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- Universal Device List (UDL) / Tuxedo Transaction Log (TLOG)
- Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- Unix
- GUI-based installation, of SALT / Installing on Unix
- UNIX System Laboratories (USL)
- about / The history of Tuxedo
- unsolicited client notification
- about / Event-based communication
- userlog() method / Introduction to the Application Programing Interface
- uuidgen command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- variables, Tuxedo
- TUXDIR / Environment variables
- TUXCONFIG / Environment variables
- PATH / Environment variables
- VIEW/VIEW32 buffer / Environment variables
- VIEW buffer
- about / The VIEW buffer
- viewc32 command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- viewc command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- VIEWDIR variable / Environment variables
- viewdis32 command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- VIEWFILES variable / Environment variables
- viewsviewdis command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- WebLogic Tuxedo connector (WTC) / The WebLogic Tuxedo connector (WTC)
- web services
- configuring / Configuring the Tuxedo web services
- web services programming / SALT programming, Web services programming
- Windows
- GUI-based installation, of SALT / Installing on Windows
- wlisten command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- work flow / The SCA concept and Tuxedo service
- workstation (/WS) client
- about / The workstation (/WS) client
- WorkStation (WS) client / Developing a Tuxedo client
- compiling / Compiling the native or workstation client
- Workstation Handler (WSH) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- Workstation Listener (WSL) / Tuxedo architecture and anatomy
- workstation listener (WSL)
- about / The workstation listener (WSL)
- on SDP / The workstation listener (WSL)
- on IPoIB / The workstation listener (WSL)
- wsadmin function / The GWWS command
- wsdlcvt function / The GWWS command
- wsdlcvt utility
- about / WSDL utilities for SALT
- WSDL utilities
- for SALT / WSDL utilities for SALT
- wsloadcf command / Compiling the SALT configuration
- wsloadcf function / The GWWS command
- WS_MI / Monitoring and changing a Tuxedo application
- wud command
- about / List of Tuxedo commands
- XA / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- XATMI / Introduction to the distributed client/server architecture using Tuxedo
- XML buffer
- about / The XML buffer