Discovering network devices
Now that you have an understanding of the discovery process, it's time to monitor some network devices and this section will walk you through the process. Before you begin though, ensure that all the previously discussed requirements are in place and confirm that the IP addresses or DNS names of your network devices are correct.
If you're working through the steps in this book in your lab and you don't have any network devices to monitor, then take a read through Cameron Fuller's blog post on using the free and very useful Xian SNMP Device Simulator tool from Jalasoft. This tool gives you the ability to simulate network devices using SNMP v1, v2c and v3 authentication.
Here's what you need to do to begin monitoring your network devices:
From the Administration workspace in the OpsMgr console, expand the Network Management view.
Right-click on Network Management, then click Discovery Wizard as shown in Figure 6.1 (you can also choose...