Before a brainstorming session
Thomas Edison was quoted as saying, "The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil." Not everyone embraces the brainstorming meeting concept, especially if they've been witness to a terrible brainstorming meeting. To get all of the meeting participants prepared for a brainstorming session, it's best to give them plenty of time to think about the topic that will be discussed. The Heart of Innovation blog calls this Braincalming. They describe it as those quiet moments when we have time to think. It might be in the car on the commute to work, while walking on the treadmill, or in the shower. We're thinking and an idea comes to us.
Braincalming can be a welcome addition to your brainstorming activities. For those participants that want time to think about the topic before coming up with any ideas, they get to prepare.
Conducting brainstorming session
If that's not practical, the Heart of Innovation blog does offer a suggested...