This chapter has covered many diverse styles of plug-ins. You will now realize that it’s the add-ons that make Final Cut Pro the powerhouse that it is. You have learned that many plug-ins are supplied with the software when it is first installed. You have seen that to achieve the full editing benefits, you should consider the range of purchasable titles and effects.
You have learned about a few suggested plug-ins from third-party developers that will assist you in editing in Final Cut Pro, including Lock & Load Stabilize Only, PaintX, Keyper, Neat Video noise reduction, PremiumVFX, TOOLFARM, and Boris FX CrumplePop.
You have seen that audio correction is easy to achieve, even with the default settings when audio plug-ins are added to suspect clips.
You have seen how captions and titles can be created as speech-to-text with the low-cost Captionator application.
Finally, you have learned about the locations of third-party plug-ins and how to uninstall them...