Creating the custom policy to allow the DynamoDB console access using AWS IAM
In the earlier recipes, we learnt how to use the AWS defined policies to enforce access controls. Now, we will see how to create and apply the custom policy.
Getting ready
To perform this recipe, you should have performed the earlier recipes.
How to do it…
Let's create and apply custom policy:
Log on to the AWS IAM console, as we did in the earlier recipes. Go to the Policies section in the left-hand side navigation pane of your AWS IAM console. Click on the Create Policy button.
Next, you will see the policy creation screen, which will allow you to create a policy in three ways: in the first option, you can copy the managed policy and edit as per your preference; in the second option, you can use a policy generator, which will guide you to create the policy, and the third option will allow you to create your policy by writing the policy from scratch. Here, we will go with the second option, which is recommended to create...