Application zoos with tf.Keras and TensorFlow Hub
One of the nice things about transfer learning is that it is possible to reuse pretrained networks to save time and resources. There are many collections of ready-to-use networks out there, but the following two are the most used.
Keras Applications
Keras Applications (Keras Applications are available at includes models for image classification with weights trained on ImageNet (Xception, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet, ResNetV2, ResNeXt, InceptionV3, InceptionResNetV2, MobileNet, MobileNetV2, DenseNet, and NASNet). In addition, there are a few other reference implementations from the community for object detection and segmentation, sequence learning, reinforcement learning (see Chapter 11), and GANs (see Chapter 9).
TensorFlow Hub
TensorFlow Hub (available at is an alternative collection of pretrained models. TensorFlow Hub includes...