Introduction to Biopython for genomic data analysis
In this section, you will be familiarized with the basics of Biopython, and in the subsequent section, you will use Biopython for solving a real-world research question in genomics.
What is Biopython?
Biopython is a popular Python package developed by Chapman and Chang, mainly intended for biological researchers and data miners to analyze genomic data. It was written mainly in Python but also has support for C code to optimize complex computations. It can be run on any operating system (Windows, Linux, and macOS). Biopython provides lots of functionalities to support genomic data and it makes it easy to use Python for genomic data analysis through reusable modules and classes. In addition to providing basic and advanced genomic functionalities, it also has support for parsers for various popular bioinformatics file formats such as BLAST, ClustalW, FASTA, and GenBank, as well as support online databases and servers such as NCBI...