Loading video data using cv2
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an important step in any data analysis process. It helps you understand your data, identify patterns and relationships, and prepare your data for further analysis. Video data is a complex type of data that requires specific tools and techniques to be analyzed. In this section, we will explore how to perform EDA on video data using Python.
The first step in any EDA process is to load and inspect the data. In the case of video data, we will use the OpenCV library to load video files. OpenCV is a popular library for computer vision and image processing, and it includes many functions that make it easy to work with video data.
OpenCV and cv2 often refer to the same computer vision library – they are used interchangeably, with a slight difference in naming conventions:
- OpenCV (short for Open Source Computer Vision Library): This is the official name of the library. It is an open source computer vision and...