Bulma has more than 300 variables, making almost any value in Bulma easy to override, allowing you to define a very personalized setup.
By using SASS, you can set your own initial variables, like overriding the blue color value, or the primary font family, or even the various responsive breakpoints.
// 1. Import the initial variables
// 2. Set your own initial variables
// Update blue
// Add pink and its invert
// Add a serif family
// 3. Set the derived variables
// Use the new pink as the primary color
// Use the existing orange as the danger color
// Use the new serif family
// 4. Import the rest of Bulma
Each Bulma component also comes with its own set of variables:
has its own shadowcolumns
have their own gapmenu
has its own background and foregroud colorsbutton
have colors for each of their states (hover, active, focus…)- etc.
Each documentation page comes with the list of available variables to override.