Concurrent Architecture
The three patterns presented in this chapter are classics. The presented patterns are very well explained in the invaluable book Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects. My goal for this chapter is it to give a concise overview of the Active Object, the Monitor Object, and the Half-Sync/Half-Async pattern. As in the last chapter on Synchronisation Patterns, I’m wearing C++ glasses. Before I dive into the three patterns, here are the patterns from a birds-eye perspective.
- The Active Object design pattern decouples method execution from method invocation for objects that each reside in their own thread of control. The goal is to introduce concurrency, by using asynchronous method invocation and a scheduler for handling requests. Wikipedia: Active object
- The Monitor Object design pattern synchronizes concurrent method execution to ensure that only one method at a time runs within an object. It also allows...