Practice exam two answers
- The answer is: Exploratory data analysis
- The answer is: Gerbils and hamsters can lift the same amount
- The answer is: Redundant data
- The answer is: Percentage
- The answer is: Accept the alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis
- The answer is: Null hypothesis
If you are unsure why, please review Chapter 6, Types of Analytics – Exploring Your Data
If you are unsure why, please review Chapter 9, Hypothesis Testing – Understanding Type I and Type II Error
If you are unsure why, please review Chapter 4, Cleaning and Processing Data – Managing Duplicate and Redundant Data
If you are unsure why, please review Chapter 8, Common Techniques in Descriptive Statistics – Understanding Frequencies and Percentages
If you are unsure why, please review Chapter 9, Hypothesis Testing – Learning P-Value and Alpha
If you are unsure why, please review...