The logon process
Let's briefly review the logon process that starts when a user launches an application through the Web Interface or through a link created by the Receiver. Some of the steps have been already presented in Chapter 1, Designing a Scalable XenApp Infrastructure, where you learned the different components of a Citrix farm. The following diagram explains the logon process:

The logon process
The user launches an application (A) and the Web Interface queries the Data Collector (B) that returns the least-loaded server for the requested application (C). The Web Interface generates an ICA file and passes it to the client (D).
The Citrix client running on the user's PC establishes a connection to the session-host server specified in the ICA file. In the handshake process, client and server agree on the security level and capabilities.
Remote Desktop Services (RDS) license
Windows Server validates that an RDS/Terminal Server (TS) license is available.