Creating a slider
In this recipe we will learn how to create a slider UI element by extending the InteractiveObject
class mentioned in the Creating an interactive object that responds to the mouse recipe of this chapter.

Getting ready
Please refer to the Creating an interactive object that responds to the mouse recipe to find the InteractiveObject
class headers and source code.
How to do it…
We will create a Slider
class and show you how to use it.
Add a new header file named
to your project:#pragma once #include "cinder/gl/gl.h" #include "cinder/Color.h" #include "InteractiveObject.h" using namespace std; using namespace ci; using namespace ci::app; class Slider : publicInteractiveObject { public: Slider( ) : InteractiveObject( Rectf(0,0, 100,10) ) { mValue = 0.f; } Vec2f getPosition() { return rect.getUpperLeft(); } void setPosition(Vec2f position) { rect.offset(position); } void setPosition(float x, float y) { setPosition(Vec2f(x,y)); } float getWidth() { return getSize...