Listing all students
Let us continue our work on the Students
controller and build an action that would retrieve information about all the students in our students table, present in the controllers/students.php
public function get($id=null){ $this->view->student_data = $this->model->getStudents(); $this->view->render('students/get'); }
In this snippet, we are creating the get
action that retrieves student data. This action can be used to get information about a single student or information about all students.
We are only handling the case about fetching information about all students; once the portal handles other profile information of the student, we can build a view for the student profile.
We are using the getStudents
method provided by our Students_model
to fetch the data and pass it on to the get.php
view in the students
subdirectory. Now let us take a quick look at the getStudents
method, present in the models/students_model.php
public function getStudents...