Time for a challenge
In this section, you will build some game elements from LEGO bricks on your own. Your robot already has a grabber hand attached to it. You must build three elements that represent copper, iron, and gypsum, respectively. The grabber should be able to pick up these three elements. Now, set up the route shown in the following diagram. These elements should be called iron ore, copper ore, and gypsum ore:
Figure 17.5 – Challenge route set up
Now, let's get started!
Challenge #1
After completing this setup, write some code that will make the robot do the following:
- Pick up the ore from their respective locations and drop them at their drop locations.
- Display the pickup and drop on the screen.
- Use sound blocks appropriately.
- If possible, play with the BOOST Hub brick light as well.
You can try to add more features to this robot and try to complete more interesting tasks on the surface of the moon with...