Notice that all of them are the same, right? That's not very random, is it? So, we have to fix this. The way to do this is to go back to the Default.aspx.cs file and imagine that you put the following directly below the using System namespace line:
using System.Threading;
Now, as the loop runs, to ensure that there's a bit of space between the time the points are made, we can say something like the following directly below the line that begins with points[i] = new Point...:
The amount of time specified is in milliseconds. So, for example, 1000 milliseconds equals 1 second. So, it will sleep and then resume.
Let's look at it again in your browser. Click on the Make and Show Points button controls. The results will appear as shown in Figure 6.19.7.
This may take a little bit of time now because as it runs, it sleeps a little...