Big data tools
There are many tools and services in the big data space, and we are going to cover some of them in this chapter.
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory is the flagship ETL service in Azure. It defines incoming data (in terms of its format and schema), transforms data according to business rules and filters, augments existing data, and finally transfers data to a destination store that is readily consumable by other downstream services. It is able to run pipelines (containing ETL logic) on Azure, as well as custom infrastructure, and can also run SQL Server Integration Services packages.
Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Lake Storage is enterprise-level big data storage that is resilient, highly available, and secure out of the box. It is compatible with Hadoop and can scale to petabytes of data storage. It is built on top of Azure storage accounts and hence gets all of the benefits of storage account directly. The current version is called Gen2, after the...