Copying RTAS Effects between Tracks
Rather than first having to make an RTAS Effect Template (as discussed earlier), and then apply that template to another track, it is possible to copy a RTAS effect and place it onto another track directly.
How to do it…
You must open the Track Control Panel to reveal the five RTAS Insert buttons. You can do this using either of these methods:
Go to Timeline Window Fast Menu (hamburger) in the bottom-left corner of the Timeline Window | Track Control Panel
Click the small, black disclosure triangle found in the top-left of the Timeline Window, next to the Timecode display
Press and hold down the option/Alt key.
Click and hold on any of the five RTAS Insert buttons that contains a Plug-In.
As you continue to hold down the mouse button, move your cursor over to any Insert Button on another track. The selected Insert Button will become highlighted.
Release the mouse button to apply the RTAS to the highlighted Insert Button.