Further reading
Here are some links to build upon what we learned in the chapter:
- If you want more information on object mapping, I wrote an article about that in 2017, titled Design Patterns: ASP.NET Core Web API, Services, and Repositories | Part 9: the NinjaMappingService and the Façade Pattern: https://adpg.link/hxYf
- AutoMapper official website: https://adpg.link/5AUZ
- AutoMapper’s Design Philosophy is an excellent article that explains why the tool was created and what use case it is good at, written by the library’s author: https://adpg.link/mK2W
- AutoMapper Usage Guidelines is an excellent do/don’t list to help you do the right thing with AutoMapper, written by the library’s author: https://adpg.link/tTKg
- Mapperly (GitHub): https://adpg.link/Dwcj