Chapter 11. Wearable Patterns
So far in this book, all the Android applications we have considered have been designed for mobile devices such as phones and tablets. As we have seen, the framework provides great facility for ensuring our designs work well on the wide variety of screen sizes and shapes available. However, there are three form factors that the work we have done so far does not cover, and that is wearable devices such as wrist watches, in-car consoles, and television sets.

When it comes to the application of design patterns to these alternative platforms, which patterns we choose depends on the purpose of the application rather than the platform itself. As we concentrated heavily on patterns in the previous chapter, this chapter will mostly cover the practicalities of building apps for each of these device types. However, as we shall see when we take a look at TV apps, these employ a model-view-presenter pattern.
As we have not yet dealt with coding sensors, the chapter...