Yossi Elkrief is an Android enthusiast with over 7 years of experience in the Android platform and is currently working as an Android architect and group leader at Tikal Knowledge. Among his previous experiences, the noteworthy ones include ooVoo, Fiverr, Mobli, and Glide, reaching out to over 135 million users worldwide. Yossi is a mentor at Google Launchpad, a lecturer on IoT and mobile development, and co-tech lead on the Madgera accelerator. He cofounded the GDG Be'er Sheva group and co-leads the group today, holding technology events for the technology community in Israel. He has a spouse and a daughter, and he lives in Be'er Sheva, Israel. His main interests are Liverpool Football Club and his Android mini collectibles collection, with over 120 different pieces. You can find him on LinkedIn at https://il.linkedin.com/in/yossielkrief, on GitHub at MaTriXy, and on Google+ at Yossi.Elkrief.
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