Logless services
When concentrating on cyber anonymity, it is very important to understand the layers at which your information is collected and how they can be accessed by ISPs, governments, and other snoopers. We have discussed the different layers that collect your information. In the previous section, we discussed how important VPN solutions can be for cyber anonymity, but it can be challenging if snoopers can get information from VPN solution providers, as they can see your activities from the logs that are maintained by them. The best solution for this is logless or zero-log VPN services. The reason is that if the VPN service is not collecting logs, no one, not even VPN solution providers, will not know your activities on the internet. Even in the worst case, if law enforcement wanted to analyze your activities while you were on the VPN connection, they would not be able to do so, as there are no logs whatsoever collected by the VPN solutions provider if they maintain a zero...