The environment setup
The environment setup for building a WebRTC web project is the first step in the development stage. Since our development is going to be on Java, it is essential to have the Java application development tools installed, which include:
Eclipse IDE
Web application server such as JBoss/Apache Tomcat
The database set up also requires a server and client installation. Let's study all these setups one by one.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
In an occasion where one does not want to use a standard IDE but rather build and test Java programs with basic tools, they need to have JRE in the system. JRE is also known as Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The entire Java Development Kit (JDK) containing the JRE can be downloaded from
It is noted that, though Java is platform-independent, JRE is not. Therefore, one must be cautious to download the specific JDK or JRE that is supported on a machine's operating system and bit...