Creating a steamy plume in Cascade
The goal of this chapter has been to overview a broad spectrum of the UDK content generation tools, so now we jump to a new area, particle effects. In the first chapter we created an asset which was an empty particle system, aiming to show how its package would be created and saved, but having left it at that it would be good to flesh it out. So we'll look a little deeper into Cascade and create a steamy plume which can be applied in a scene as a set dressing. This recipe is a quick guide to the essentials. We will deal with advanced Cascade challenges in Chapter 7, Hi, I'm Eye Candy!
How to do it...
Create a Blank Map and, in the Content Browser, select your package folder. If you haven't created one, just click on New Packages. You'll be prompted for a package save location later. Right-click in the assets panel and choose New Particle System. Make the Group name of the Particle System Cascade and the asset name SmokePlume. The Unreal Cascade Editor will...