Generate PDF files
We are out of QA land, and we'll go into the development world again.
When I talk about PDF generation, I get the same question I mentioned in the screenshot section: "Why would I need to generate PDFs using Puppeteer?"
The first scenario to mention is using PDFs as an output format for your website. I don't know if you've lived what I lived once. I had to build an e-commerce app. I built the product list, the checkout process, and even the receipt page. Then the requirement came out: "We need to send an email with that receipt as a PDF." That's an estimation breaker. There is no easy way to create PDF files just from scratch.
Then you find a library that generates PDFs, and you are happy with it. But the stakeholders tell you that it needs to look exactly like the receipt page. Your estimation goes to the trash again. There should be an easy way to generate PDF files.
Maybe it's not a receipt. Haven't...