Exporting final mixes and stems
Once you’re happy with your mixes, you’ll want to share them with the rest of the world. However, since the rest of the world cannot open our Studio One project files, you will first need to convert your mixes into a standard file format that everyone can open in their media players. This process is called exporting. When you export a Song in Studio One, the multitude of channels in your project will be bounced down to a single stereo channel, which will then be saved in a globally recognized audio file format.
There are two methods of exporting a Song from Studio One, used for different purposes. Let’s start with the more commonly used method.
Exporting final mixes
Exporting a final mix from a Song means bouncing all the channels into one stereo channel and embedding that stereo channel into an audio file. It sounds complicated, but Studio One handles the task gracefully once you set a few parameters.
Follow these steps...