Understanding the OLM
The OLM was introduced in Chapter 1, Introduction to the Operator Framework, as a tool for installing and managing Operators within a cluster. Its features include the ability to provide control over upgrading installed Operators and making these Operators visible to cluster users. It also helps maintain cluster stability by enforcing Operator dependencies and preventing conflicting APIs from different Operators. This is a brief overview, but these features make it a powerful tool for deploying Operators in production environments. You can find more details about the OLM's features in the Operator Framework documentation at https://olm.operatorframework.io/docs/#features-provided-by-olm.
While this may make the OLM seem like a complex component to work with, it is actually no more than a set of resource manifests that can be installed in a cluster similarly to any other component or application (including Operators themselves). These resources include...