Using Testcontainers with Cassandra
To ensure the reliability of our application, we need to run integration tests with our Cassandra project. Similar to MongoDB, we have two options for running tests with Cassandra – either by using an in-memory embedded Cassandra server or Testcontainers. However, I recommend using Testcontainers with a Cassandra server as this eliminates any potential compatibility issues since it uses a real Cassandra instance.
In this recipe, we will learn how to use the Testcontainers Cassandra module to create integration tests for our Comments service.
Getting ready
In this recipe, we will create an integration test for the Comments service that we created in the Connecting your application to Apache Cassandra recipe. If you haven’t completed this recipe yet, you can use the project that I have prepared. You can find it in this book’s GitHub repository at, in the chapter6...