The WWTravelClub project approach
During this chapter, screenshots from the WWTravelClub project have shown the steps needed to implement a good DevOps cycle. The WWTravelClub team has decided to use Azure DevOps because they understand that the tool is essential for getting the best DevOps experience for the whole cycle.
The requirements were written using user stories, which can be found in the Work items section of Azure DevOps. The code is placed in the repository of the Azure DevOps project. Both concepts were explained in Chapter 3, Documenting Requirements with Azure DevOps.
The management life cycle used for getting things done is Scrum, presented in Chapter 1, Understanding the Importance of Software Architecture. This approach divides the implementation into Sprints, which forces the need to deliver value by the end of each cycle. Using the continuous integration facilities we learned in this chapter, code will be compiled each time the team concludes a development...