The goal – rinse and repeat
This time around, we are not going to do any heavy lifting. We will basically repeat what we did in Chapter 7, The Three Screens – Mobile First, with some adjustments. In this chapter, we will walk through only one platform; although the Visual Studio template that is being used will make sure that it runs on other platforms as well. We will focus on doing this for iOS. The reason for this is basically to avoid having to set up a Mac environment, when there is a big chance of you as a reader not even having access to a Mac. From a Xamarin perspective, the code is for the most reusable. There are some differences and things you need to explicitly implement for each platform, but for most applications, I wouldn't be surprised if this is not the case.
Xamarin provides a core library that is the same and represents Xamarin's abstractions over the underlying platforms. These abstractions will look the same for your code but have different DLLs that implement the abstractions...