Chapter 3: Overview of Automation Anywhere Control Room
Understanding the Control Room interface is key when building, deploying, and managing bots. Control Room is used to perform all these tasks. It has a very easy-to-use intuitive interface. The interface is designed with a pane on the left-hand side used as a navigation bar, which lists the main sections and sub-sections of the control room. The main desktop area has all the functionality and features for each section.
In the previous chapter, you learned how to connect your device to the control room and get ready to start building bots. Before we actually build a bot, it is important that you have a clear understanding of the user interface.
In this chapter, we go greater into detail about the Control Room interface. Each section is explored, giving you hands-on experience with the interface. You will learn about the dashboard, monitoring bot activity, setting application credentials, device management, and user management...