Fortify Your Code With Structural Patterns
Recently, my wife asked a question that should have been simple to answer: “What did you do for fun when you were a little boy, say 9 or 10 years old?” I had to think about it. When I was 9 or 10, computers in the home were not possible, unless you lived in a military bunker that had a steady high voltage continuous sine wave power feed. The bunker would also have needed several thousand square feet of raised flooring, industrial-grade air conditioning, and a steady supply of clean water to use for CPU cooling. This wasn’t a normal living environment for most of my friends when we were 9 or 10. The question was difficult because as soon as I turned 12, I got my first computer. It was the Radio Shack TRS-80, complete with a level 1 8-bit Z-80 processor, 4 K (as in 4,000 bytes – just bytes - not Kilo, Mega, nor Giga) of memory, a monochrome monitor with a resolution of 128 by 48 very blocky pixels, and a cassette...