The sample data you'll need is available from this book's GitHub repository: If you want to use the code examples as they are written, then you will need to make sure that this data is in a sub-directory of whatever your working directory is.
The following are the R packages that you'll need. Most of these will install with install.packages(); others are a little more complicated:
- ape
- Bioconductor:
- Biostrings
- biomaRt
- EnsDb.Rnorvegicus.v79
- kebabs
- msa
- org.At.tair.db
- org.Eck12.db
- PFAM.db
- universalmotif
- bio3d
- dplyr
- e1071
- seqinr
Bioconductor is huge and has its own installation manager. You can install it with the following code:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install()
Further information...