What this book covers
Chapter 1, Get up and Running with PhoneGap, shows you what PhoneGap is used for, a basic understanding of what you can achieve with the framework, and why it is good to use.
Chapter 2, Mobile Platform Support, will go into more detail about the various platforms that are supported in PhoneGap and what their limitations are.
Chapter 3, Command-line Interface, shows you that the Cordova command line is crucial for the effective and streamlined development of PhoneGap applications. It will give you an overview of the capabilities and how to use them.
Chapter 4, Plugin Support, will show you that accessing any platform API is disabled by default, so all features are nicely packed in separate plugins that you can add and manage based on your needs.
Chapter 5, First PhoneGap Application, shows you how to create the first basic Hello World application with PhoneGap and tells you about the file structure organization and building a fully functional application.
Chapter 6, Accessing Native APIs, discusses the different hardware APIs that are available on most of the platforms PhoneGap supports.
Chapter 7, Accessing Media Content, covers additional native features that are available through JavaScript. This chapter will cover accessing the native camera capabilities and other media content on the device.
Chapter 8, Application Development Workflow, will cover the basics on how to work with the PhoneGap application development process and how to go through the phases until the application is built.
Online Chapter, Beyond PhoneGap – Ionic, goes a little bit forward by teaching you how to apply hybrid mobile UI that will work across different platforms and different screen sizes. Ionic framework seems like a great option to apply it on the top of the PhoneGap. This chapter can be found online at https://www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/downloads/Beyond_PhoneGap_Ionic.pdf.