Creating a lookup
We are going to create a lookup which we will use to determine the outcome of the subprocess. There are a number of standard lookups but we can create our own when required. We are going to create a lookup type called Success/Fail which will have two values:
To create a lookup we will perform the following tasks:
Creating a Success/Fail lookup
Adding an error message attribute
Creating a Success/Fail lookup
We will add a new lookup by selecting New from the menu when we right-click on Lookup Types in the navigator.
How to do it...
To create a workflow lookup, we will perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to XXHRIABS | Lookup Types.
2. Right-click Lookup Types and select New from the pop-up menu.
Internal Name
Display Name
3. Click on OK to accept the changes.
4. Right-click the SUCCESS_FAIL lookup type and select New Lookup Code and complete the following properties:
Lookup Type