Defining kanban views
So far, we have presented you with a list of records that can be opened to show a form. While those lists are efficient when presenting a lot of information, they tend to be slightly boring, given the lack of design possibilities. In this recipe, we’ll take a look at kanban views, which allow us to present lists of records in a more appealing way.
How to do it...
- Define a view of the
type:<record id="hostel_room_category_view_kanban" model="ir.ui.view"> Â Â Â Â <field name="name">Hostel Room Categories kanban</field> Â Â Â Â <field name="model"></field> Â Â Â Â <field name="arch" type="xml"> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â <kanban class="o_kanban_mobile" sample="1">
- List the fields you’ll use in your view: