We will continue using the library_app module, which has been used in previous chapters, and add to it the files implementing the reports.
The report we are going to create will look like this:
The report files should be placed inside a /reports module subdirectory. We will start by adding a reports/library_book_report.xml data file. As usual, when adding data files, remember to add it to the data key in the __manifest__.py file.
The reports/library_book_report.xml file starts off by declaring the new report as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <odoo> <report id="action_library_book_report"
string="Library Books"
model="library.book" report_type="qweb-pdf"
name="library_app.report_library_book_template" /> </odoo>
The <report> tag is a shortcut to write data...