6.2. Preliminary statements
We first introduce some background notions concerning graph databases in section 6.2.1 and then fuzzy set theory in section 6.2.2.
6.2.1. Graph databases
We present the graph data model in section and explain how to query such a graph database through pattern queries in section We then present the Cypher query language in section, which is a concrete language that makes it possible to query a graph database in the Neo4j graph database management system. The graph data model
A graph database model is a model in which the data structures for the instances and/or the schema are modeled as a directed, possibly labeled graph or generalizations of the graph structure, where data manipulation is expressed by graph-oriented operations and type constructors [ANG 08]. Such a model makes it possible to naturally model networks of entities, where each node is described by a set of characteristics (for instance, a set of attributes) and...