Chapter 3. Setting Up Logos in Moodle Themes
In this chapter, we will use the UI to cover how to design a logo for Moodle on-premises and MoodleCloud. We will use an online logo designer since it can be used on our computer or smartphone, and it works on different OSes. Logos are very important for a Moodle course since they represent the organization that we are working for. We need to upload an image to enhance the look and feel of our Moodle course.
We are also going to change the Favicon of the Moodle course so that all the logos are new and the look and feel changes. Therefore, we will learn how to do this with the Essential theme in Moodle on-premises. We will add a header background image to the Essential theme in a tiled style so that the image is repeated throughout the header.
In this chapter, we shall cover the following topics:
- Designing a logo
- Adding a logo to MoodleCloud in the More theme
- Adding a logo to the Essential theme in Moodle on-premises
- Downloading a Favicon...