Let's take a detailed look at the Appium GUI app. Here's a snapshot of the Appium GUI app (on Mac OSX), which has a couple of icons on top, a console window, and a trash bin icon at the bottom. Windows Appium app has couple of options lesser than the Mac OS X, however functionally it represent the same as described below. Let's take a look at each of the icons and what it helps us to do:

- Open Configuration: This lets you select any previously saved Appium configuration and load.
- Save Configuration: This saves the current Appium config, which is basically the settings you selected with Android or iOS or General.
- Doctor: It runs the appium-doctor.js program and tells you whether all the wirings are proper. By wiring, I mean it performs the following checks:
- Xcode path
- Xcode command-line tool
- Checks for DevToolsSecurity to be enabled
- Node.js installation...