The boom in baby boomers
Age has a funny way of changing bodies. The bones creak, the hearing starts to fail, the eyes lose some of their ability to focus, and the memory plays tricks by hiding, somewhere in the recesses of our minds, those things we have always known. We seek ways to compensate for these changes, such as pain medicines and hearing aids. Mobile devices can also provide compensation through built-in features that may not have been designed for that purpose, but can nevertheless prove helpful.
For example, many smartphones and tablets today allow you to expand the screen, thus increasing the size of the font and items displayed. This can be very helpful for eyes struggling to read normal-sized font. The devices also have an ever-expanding memory available for the user to save important information such as names, phone numbers, and appointments.
As more and more people reach the age 50 years and older, manufacturers of many types of products are finding it beneficial to target...