Reading data from web methods: Web Service Task
Web services are in wide use nowadays as a method to interact between systems in a cross-platform environment. As web services work with XML and serialize their outputs in the XML format and also get their inputs in the XML format, they are widely used as a standard way to interconnect systems together. There are lots of benefits of using web services, but discussing all of them is beyond the scope of our book.
This recipe demonstrates the use of the Web Service Task using a free web service chosen from among several alternatives on the Internet. This web service is very simple and returns the cities from a specific country:

How to do it...
Consider a scenario where SSIS periodically needs to get data from an external source that provides data through a web service.
The WSDL file lists the methods that the web service offers, the input parameters that the methods require, and the responses that the methods return.
Create a connection to the free...