Creating the enclosure base
Our example enclosure will consist of two components – the base and the lid – both made within the same SolidWorks part file. These will each be made as separate sheets within the part file, starting off with the base sheet.
Throughout this chapter, the instructions given are more of a guide than hard-and-fast parameters, so feel free to experiment with different sizes and features as you see fit.
To create the base, follow these steps:
- Start a new SolidWorks part document.
- First, we will draw the Base Flange profile. Start a Sketch on the Top Plane and sketch a
rectangle, as shown in Figure 13.1:
Figure 13.1 – Sketching a rectangle for the Base Flange profile
Sketching Tip!
Remember to always Fully Define your sketches by using Smart Dimensions and Relations.
In this case, I recommend using a Center Rectangle tool and starting from the Origin. This will mean that the Front and Right...