In this chapter we have seen how OpenCV can help us approach Structure from Motion in a manner that is both simple to code and to understand. OpenCV's API contains a number of useful functions and data structures that make our lives easier and also assist in a cleaner implementation.
However, the state-of-the-art SfM methods are far more complex. There are many issues we choose to disregard in favor of simplicity, and plenty more error examinations that are usually in place. Our chosen methods for the different elements of SfM can also be revisited. For one, H and Z propose a highly accurate triangulation method that minimizes the reprojection error in the image domain. Some methods even use the N-view triangulation once they understand the relationship between the features in multiple images.
If we would like to extend and deepen our familiarity with SfM, we will certainly benefit from looking at other open-source SfM libraries. One particularly interesting project is libMV, which...